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Our Programs


Our safe, secure and nurturing environment allows infants to explore the world around them while learning through their senses.  The program is designed to meet the individual needs of each child. Personalized schedules and feeding times help each child develop at their own pace. Toys and equipment are at the children’s level to encourage active exploration.   Daily activities include crafts, sensory play, songs and outdoor time. Teachers spend most of the day on the floor interacting and building bonds with each child, using every moment as a teaching tool. Verbal and written communication is provided daily to ensure you are informed of every aspect of your child’s day. The teacher/child ratio in the infant room is 1:3.


Our Toddler programs are designed to provide children the opportunity to explore and develop skills and interests.  The classroom is set up with several learning areas providing the children the freedom to explore in a safe and stimulating environment.  Daily activities include opportunities for outdoor play, creative expression, sensory experiences, science, music and movement, block play, fine motor development as well as an emphasis on language and literacy. Our teacher’s follow the children’s lead and provide experiences that enhance their physical, emotional, social and cognitive development. Pictorial documentation of learning experiences is displayed for the children as well as the parents.  Each child is provided their own cot for a rest period during the day.  Parents will be provided with written and verbal communication each day. Teacher/child ratio is 1:5 in the toddler room.



In our Preschool programs teachers provide experiences in all areas of development and believe that children learn best by doing and exploring the world around them. They involve the children in the planning of activities by remaining an active participant in their play and building on their interests, core knowledge and emerging skills. Large and small group activities take place daily to encourage independence, build relationships with the teachers and children and help build social skills.  The classroom is set up in centres to provide multiple learning experiences for the children. Each room has a house centre, science centre, creative and sensory areas, block centre as well as a book centre. Meal time is used to encourage self-help skills as the children begin to serve themselves and make choices. Outdoor time is used to develop gross motor skills; climbing, running, balancing, jumping, throwing, riding bikes and interactive games. Our preschool programs do consist of a rest period in which the children are provided their own cot. We realize not all children in this age group require a nap however we do encourage quiet play during this time to balance out all the activity of the day. Teacher/child ratio is 1:8 in the preschool room.

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